Welcome to Inspirational jokes, stories, analogies, events, christian fun sayings, scripts, truths be known, and ideas. A fun place to come for an uplift and to get useful information. They can be used for church bulletins, news letters, etc.. These pages are what people have shared with me. Most I have no idea who wrote them, but they are worth reading. Please enjoy the humor and inspirations of christians around the world. This page is for enjoyment only and in no means do we want to offend anyone. If you find any of these objectionable, we apologize. More will be added as they become available. The newest ones will be on top.

Ecclesiastes 3:4
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;


Daily Cartoon - Fun
Funny Christian Jokes 4
Funny Christian Jokes 3
Funny Christian Jokes 2
Funny Christian Jokes
Church Signs
Church Bloopers
Children and Spiritual Matters - Funny
Two Things Navy Seals Are Always Taught
You Never Know - Funny and Inspirational
Nourishment - Inspirational & Funny
A Little Girl’s Miracle - Inspirational
Winston Churchill - Inspirational
Ten Commandments for Parents - Inspirational
God Said NO - Inspirational
An Inspirational True Story from a Doctor who worked in South Africa
One Day - Inspirational
God Lives Under The Bed - Inspirational
Do the Just Suffer and Wicked Prosper? - Inspirational
Scars of Life - Inspirational
Feeling Abandoned? - Inspirational
The Most Caring Child - Inspirational
Just For This Morning - Inspirational
A Dog's or Cat's Purpose - Inspirational
Breakfast at McDonald's Inspirational
Five lessons about the way we treat people - Inspirational
Professor challenges Student - Inspirational
The Passion of Christ is Rated R - Inspirational
Things To Remember - Inspirational
A Father's Love - Inspirational
P.U.S.H. - Inspirational
The Living Bible - Inspirational
Teachers Make a Difference - Inspirational
Hands! - Analogy
God's M & M Survival Kit - Fun Activity

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