These links are here for your convenience only.
Accordingly, any link that appear on this site does not imply an endorsement of the site.
Christ Art--Free Christian clipart, avatars, graphics, icons, and images etc.
Worthy Prayer Team--A community of prayer warriors that takes live prayer requests.
Gospel Shield of Faith--Taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.
Christians Products--Searchable Christian Directory of Christian Resources & Businesses.
Basic Bible Knowledge--Here is a Pastor that shares his Bible with us. He talks about many things that might be interesting for you.
Grace Reminders--We provide creative Christian shirts and t-shirts to encourage and uplift the Christian and to help the Christian encourage and uplift those around him or her. Our shirts also serve as an effective tool for Christians to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those around them."
Christian Cinema--Buy, Rent, Family Entertainment News, and Movie Reviews. A check-out must for this site!
Revive Our Hearts--Calling Women to Freedom, Fullness, and Fruitfulness in Christ with Nancy Leigh DeMoss.
Christianity Bible Study Tools--A place to personalize your own Online Study Bible.
One Place--Web Radio Faith Talk. A wonderful place to listen to music, devotionals and sermons by many well known men and women of God.
My Devotion--Bringing people together and closer to God through devotionals, Bible verses, asking questions, and Bible reading.
Bible.Com--Proclaiming God to the Nations., Inc. is an outreach that proclaims the gospel through the distribution of Bibles and Christian literature.
God Tube--A christian website where you can post videos.
World Prayers--Gathering the great prayers from all spiritual traditions around the world into a unified nonprofit archive; for the purpose of inspiration, study and cross cultural appreciation.
Truth For Life--The Bible-teaching ministry of Alistair Begg.
Our Prayer--Our Prayer, part of the Ruth Stafford Peale Prayer Power Network, is a community of faith, a true church without walls, uniting people from all over the world through prayer and devotion.
Brodie and Brock Thoene--The official website of two great Biblical/Fiction writers.
Voice of Power--The Reality of Having A Relationship With God. A wonderful Blogg written by a pastor and other Church Leaders. It even offers a sermon to watch.
Harvest Christian Fellowship--A wonderful place to hear great preaching and worship services. Pastor Greg Laurie's church in Riverside California.
Living Proof Ministries--A Beth Moore Ministry. A wonderful Bible teacher and speaker.
Word of Faith International Christian Center.--A place to get a daily devotional and watch a live web cast.
Light Source--A list of well known Bible teachers and to watch and listen to their devotionals.
Growing In Christ--Whether you are new to knowing God personally or are looking for more to help you walk closely with Him, this site is for you. This site provides ways for you to get your questions answered, receive more information, and find others to talk with about spiritual matters.
Jesus 202--The 4 Steps to God and New Life Video.
Walking With God--Learn more about John Eldredge, writer, speaker, and blogger.
Jericho Commission--Rooted in the mission of Jesus Christ, our mission is to provide quality and compassionate care and service to ex-offenders; to improve their lives in the transitional community.
Penny's Place in Cyberspace--Turn your speakers on for this website. Very beautiful and calming place to visit.
Break Point--BreakPoint provides a Christian perspective on today’s news and trends via radio, interactive media, and print.
Walking By Faith--Providing down-to-earth answers to today’s problems from a Biblical perspective through every aspect of ministry. God is available to meet your every need, and we’re here to help you walk by faith, not by sight.
Sight and Sound Theatres--Inspirational live Biblical musical productions for the whole family to enjoy.
C28--A great place to find a variety of Christian Apparel.
Bible Pathway--Just 15 minutes a day, through all the Bible in one year, 366 daily devotional commentaries.
All About Prayer--A place to go for prayers and some answers about prayer.
Coffee With Drew--I highly recommend my pastor's blog. He writes about His thoughts and life experiences. Great reading for some inspiration, laughter, and nostalgia.
Daily Strength--Daily Strength is the largest, most comprehensive health network of people sharing their advice, treatment experiences, faith, and support.
United Ministries Pakistan--See and read what Christ is doing in Pakistan.
Gospel Communications--A Community of online ministries.
Wells of Inspiration--A site with lots of devotionals
Lutheran Hour Ministries--Read a daily devotion from Lutheran Hour Ministries.
Creation Museum--The Creation Museum presents a “walk through history.” This state-of-the-art 65,000 square foot museum brings the pages of the Bible to life.
Upper Room Devotional--Read a daily Bible devotional at Upper Room Ministries.
Today's Devotion--A Daily Devotion to read.
Our Daily Bread--Our Daily Bread Devotionals.
Patricia Lorenz--An Inspirational Humorist Speaker and Writer.
Feature Films For Families--Strengthening Traditional Values through Entertainment and A great site to get family movies.
Hope For the Heart--Providing God's Truth's for Today's Problems
Christ-Centered Art--An online Christian art gallery featuring inspirational art prints, canvases, giclees, images, paintings, pictures, and artwork by gifted christian artists and painters.
Bible Company--BibleCo is an online Christian Retailer that carries everything from personalized bibles to franklin electronic bibles. If you have children in your family, you may be interested in board games such as Bibleopoly as well.
Family Life--Help for today, hope for tomorrow, a great site to get help for your marriage and family. A division of Campus Crusade for Christ.
Ruth Stafford Peal--This site is dedicated to the late Ruth Stafford Peale.
Arms of Love International--Arms of Love International--The vision of Arms of Love is to establish children's homes in developing countries based on a family model, connect those homes with local churches in each country, and equip nationals to conduct the ministry. After four years of ministry, more than 60 children now reside in our children's homes in Nicaragua, the Philippines, Mexico, and Senegal, and we anticipate opening a new home in Brazil in 2006. site has Bible studies, prayer, and other ministries
Stepping Stones--Stepping Stones is a Christ centered ministry for couples facing fertility challenges or pregnancy loss. A ministry of Bethany Christian Services.
Exodus International, North America--Exodus is a worldwide interdenominational, Christian organization called to encourage, strengthen, unify and equip Christians to minister the transforming power of the Lord Jesus Christ to those affected by homosexuality.
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Bible Info--Here you will find counsel, direction, encouragement, and help from God's word.
Freedom In Christ Ministries--The mission of Freedom in Christ is to equip the Body of Christ to be alive, free, and complete in Him.
Chosen People Ministry--Would you like to know how to witness to your Jewish friends? Here is a wonderful site to visit for information.
Youth Pastor--A cosmic of resources for youth pastors & youth ministries.
Women Uplifting Women Ministries--It is the Mission of Women Uplifting Women Ministry (WUWM) to provide help to families in crisis. To this end, WUWM will provide information on shelters, health issues, family matters, funeral arrangements, incarceration, and other information as desired. Also family and individual counseling will be provided as well as life skills training, educational enrichment, conflict resolution, and mentoring.
Women of Faith--Women of Faith is an interdenominational women’s conference organization committed to helping women of all faiths, backgrounds, age groups and nationalities grow emotionally, spiritually and in relationships.
Blue Letter Bible--Our mission is to facilitate in-depth study of God's Word through an on-line interactive reference library continuously updated from the teachings and commentaries of selected pastors and teachers who hold to the conservative, historical Christian faith.
The World Prayer Team--Join us or log in to distribute your prayer requests instantaneously across the globe into the welcoming arms of The World Prayer Team.
Our Prayer--Our Prayer is a place to go for prayer dedicated to Ruth Stafford Peale
Servant Christian--Creating a culture of generosity is the vision behind Servant Christian Community Foundation (SCCF
Kids Sunday School--Kid's Sunday School Place is your source for fresh, creative Children's Ministry resources, Sunday school lessons, Bible crafts, activities, object lessons, stories, skits, games, songs & much more. Teaching Sunday school has never been so much fun!
MSSS Crafts--Here you will find free crafts, activities, and ideas for Bible stories, devotions and Bible classes. Great site!
Gospel Light--Gospel Light has a variety of Children's Curriculum.
Children's Ministry Products--A great site for all kinds of products for the church's outreach ministries.
Kids Plays--Fantastic! Free play scripts for children.
Breakaway Magazine--The Breakaway Magazine for guys put out by Focus On The Family.
Focus On Your Child--Parenting resources to help you enjoy the journey by Focus on the Family.
Sunday School Resources--Sunday School Resources
Focus on the Family--Focus on the Family website for the whole family!
Danielle's Place of Crafts and Activities--We believe learning should be fun. This site is dedicated to teaching children through crafts and activities. You will find hundreds of inexpensive crafts and activities for children. Most of the crafts and activities on this site are Bible-based and are great to use in Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, preschool, and home school. You will find complete Bible curriculum with math, reading, phonics, writing, science, and learning games included.
Sermons4Kids--The goal of Sermons4Kids is to help those who are in children's ministry or who may work with children in Christian schools or organizations.
Children's Ministry--Life changing ideas for Children's Ministry
Teen Life Ministries--Flood of Youth Ministry Resources Including Weekly Bible Lessons with PowerPoint, Class Handouts and Discussion Guide, and more.
Christian Music 4 Children--The Kids for Kids Ministry is a program that was created to teach children Christian values by serving others. In the experience of helping other children, each child becomes more aware of their own personal value, which reinforces their self-esteem. With this perfect exchange, both parties receive the benefits of giving and receiving.
Pioneer Clubs--Pioneer Clubs' mission is to serve God by assisting churches and other ministries in helping children and youth make Christ Lord in every aspect of life.
Creation Kids--Creative Christian Curriculum for Today's Creative Kids
Memory Cross--Memory Cross™ is the coolest, most ingenious way to learn and memorize Bible Verses.
The Cyber Hymnal--Thousands of Christian hymns & Gospel songs from many denominations—lyrics, MIDI files, scores, pictures, history & more. Searchable, advanced Autoplay feature, free downloads. New entries every week. User friendly. Biggest site of its kind on the Internet. Two thumbs up!
AMG Publishers--Have a christian book you want published? Check this site out.
God's Index of Poems--A personal page by Carroll
Spiritual Survival--A Spiritual Survival Handbook.
Carol Cox--Writer Carol Cox has a great site you might want to check out.
Shirlee McCoy--Inspirational Author Shirlee McCoy has a great site you might want to check out.
More Seeds 1--A collection of the best Christian inspirational poetry, quotes, and short stories to encourage the weary Christian.
Terri Blackstock--Writer Terri Blackstock has an informative web site.
The Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild--An awesome guild every christian writer should investigate.
CTN Online--The Christian Television Network's Online website. Get program times, donate, buy products, and other resources.
Angels On Earth--A magazine published by Daily Guideposts.
Christianity Today--Informing, Inspiring, Connecting, Equipping-a magazine for today's Christian.
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CBN Resources--This is the CBN resource site to the 700 Club, News, and more.
Bott Radio Network--Quality Bible Teaching. Christian News and Information.
Hill Brothers Tours--Hill Brothers Tours is a collaboration effort of three brothers who have a combined total of more than 100 years in ministry and have collectively hosted many tours groups on spiritual pilgrimages over more than twenty years. We invite you to join us for a life-changing trip to the Holy Land.
Christian Top Sites--A great search engine to check out.
Bible Search Engine--This is a great search engine.
Miracle Revival Ministries--To encourage an intimate personal relationship with the Lord & to see His manifest glory return to the Church. They have a real heart for the body to be released to go & do Matt 10:7-8
Worldwide Evangelization for Christ--Reaching people planting churches.
The Voice of the Martyrs--About and praying for the body of Christ.
The Grace--Answering Islam, a christian Muslim dialog.
The Lord's Prayer--A beautiful site to visit. Have your speakers on. Bible Resources makes available the Bible in multiple languages and translations with Bible Answers, Bible Searches, Bible Tools, Bible Aids, Bible Studies, Bible Stories, Bible Devotionals, Bible Reading Plans, Bible Memorization Techniques. is all about the Bible so that people everywhere can know the God of the Bible.
Salvation Army--This website features the international mission and services of The Salvation Army through its International Headquarters in London, England.
Life Way--Biblical Solutions for Life
International Bible Reading Association--A safe place to read the Bible every day.
World Vision--World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.
Christ Art--Free Religious Clipart
Liberty Church USA--We have lots of information that will help you spiritually and physically. Our main goal is to evangelize our community, and the world.
Steve Diggs--Do Debt No Sweat Financial Ministries. A Christian speaker highly recommended by many.
Daniel's Friends--This website gives a brief overview of how we can have spiritual life in God, as well as various topics related to that.
A Christian Counselor--Free Help on the web
Through the Bible--Through the Bible with Les Feldick. Les Feldick Ministries
Bonnies Place--Very peaceful site to visit.
Stone Tablets Ministries--Our goal is to help Christians share their faith effectively for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our ministries will help you to learn how to reach people next door and around the world.
Heartlight--Heartlight devotionals can become a special part of your day. Turn to them daily for encouragement and inspiration. They also provide positive resources for daily Christian living.
A Bible Devotion--A different message each day.
Crosswalk Directory--Where Christians can find products, services, and ministries.
Matthew 6:33--Christ's Kingdom Online Church

God's Loving Kindness--We have Bible studies, daily devotions, poetry and testimonies.
Your Cross Outreach Ministry--Real help 4 real issues - Are You Struggling with Depression, Porn, Anxiety, Abuse, Grief, Rape, Cults, Addictions, Thoughts of Suicide, Eating Disorders, Health or Racial Issues, a Sense of Direction and Purpose for your life, or do you know someone who is? We have thousands of relevant ministry and resource links to help meet your daily needs, and interests.
Christian Fellowship Devotionals--To share the gospel with the lost and equip the body of Christ in growing and reaching a lost world for Jesus Christ.
Net Ministries--Lots and Lots of daily Christian devotionals for spiritual growth and inspiration.
Bible Lessons--We have 13 mini Bible lessons that can be taken by email. Sign up and start receiving your copy now!
Daily Guideposts--Guideposts is committed to communicating positive faith-filled principles for people everywhere to use in successful daily living.
Garden of Praise--Resources for Bible teachers.
Honor Bound Men of Promise--Our Honor Bound mission - Growing Godly Men.
TroubledWith--TroubledWith is a collection of articles, resources and referrals organized by topic around family issues and concerns. Our goal is to help families by providing complete coverage of issues including a brief introduction to each topic, an overview of the issue at hand, Q&A with experts and tips for making things better. A Website of Focus on the Family
Hal Lindsey Oracle--Hal Lindsey's inspiring site keeps you informed on prophecy happening today.
Divine Intervention--We have documented proof that what you are about to read is true. At any given moment, all at once, several million people from over the entire world will vanish without a trace. Find out where they'll be taken, why it will happen, and what happens next... is a Directory of online Bibles and Biblical References.
Compassion--Releasing children in poverty in Jesus' name. Share your love, prayers and support with a boy or girl who lives in poverty. Children are waiting now, learn more about sponsoring a child today.
Empowered Evangelicals--What baptism in the Holy Spirit truly is...
Every Student--A safe place to explore issues about college, life, and what it might be like to know God.
Warfare Plus Ministries--This is a multi-faceted ministry that focuses on ministering freedom, healing and deliverance to Christians and also to training and equipping them to do the works of ministry!
Bible Prophecy--You will find a world of information about biblical prophecy.
Word Bible School--Enroll in free Bible courses!!
Power Evangelism--For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. 1 Corinthians 4:20 NIV
Proverbs 31 Ministries--This non-profit, non-denominational ministry is designed for todays woman.
Christ was created in order help Christians find the web sites they are looking for, without having to waste a lot of time.
The Rutherford Institute--Christian attorneys who fight for human rights and civil liberties.
Promise Keepers--Promise Keepers is a Christ-centered organization dedicated to introducing men to Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord; and then helping them to grow as Christians.
Desert Stream Ministries--Ministering the Life of Jesus to the Sexually and Relationally Broken.
Harvest Online--A Great Christian Site.
Mission Aviation Fellowship--A wonderful ministry that multiply the effectiveness of the Church using aviation and other strategic technologies that overcome barriers in reaching the world for Christ.
Persecuted Church--The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.
A Christian Directory--For resources and information on Daily Devotion Reading and Daily Devotion and A great place to find christian websites.
It Is Written--It Is Written has Online Bibles studies, takes prayer requests, answers to Bible questions, and online resources.
Plugged In --Shining the light on popular world entertainment. A web site of Focus on the Family
In Touch Ministries--A global ministry that started from a church pastored by Charles Stanley.
Empowered Evangelicals - Vineyard Movement - Power Evangelism--Fascinating Bible reading
The Upper Room--A site with devotions, magazines, and other resources.
Luis Palau Evangelistic Association--Brother Palau's tour schedule, resources, news, a great all around site.
Joyce Meyer Ministries--Joyce Meyer is a dynamic speaker. Her ministry reaches all around the world.
Cook Communications Ministries--Full of resources!
Jack Van Impe--Jack Van Impe's Prophecy Web Site can tickle one's interest.
Amazing Bible--A mega-site of Bible, Christian and religious information & studies.
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association--Is a Billy Graham Crusade coming to your area? Check it out!
Bible Gateway--A ministry of gospel communications
Bethany Christian Services--Bethany is a not-for-profit, pro-life, Christian adoption and family services agency, but our Christian care extends to people struggling with unplanned pregnancies, infertility, and a multitude of other challenges. For more than sixty years, Bethany has responded with compassion, integrity, and commitment to the needs of children and families.
Crown Financial Ministries--Their mission is to Equip people worldwide to learn, apply, and teach God's financial principles so they may know Christ more intimately, be free to serve Him, and help fund the Great Commission.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children--A nonprofit organization that provide services nationwide for families and professionals in the prevention of abducted, endangered, and sexually exploited children.
