Try these creative strategies to open up the world to your child through prayer.
Pray through the alphabet. - For each letter, help your child pick a country or city that begins with that letter, then pray for the children there.
Pray through the compass. - Face north with your child and pray for what is directly in front of you (e.g. sibling, neighbor). Next, pray for something farther away in that direction (a few blocks away or a neighboring city). Then pray what is even farther away (a country or continent). Repeat for all four points of the compass.
Use the 50/50 principle. - Have your child pray for one of his or her own needs, then pray for another child with the same need.
Go on a prayer walk. - Walk around your neighborhood and pray for families in the houses you see, teachers and students in the school, doctors and patients in the hospital, etc.
These techniques are used by children in World Vision projects around the world.
World Vision, Winter 2008 p. 23
Using ones own hands as a tool for remembering who to pray for.
Using this method can help children through adults remember to pray for eveyone on their list.
Clap your hands together, folding them into one another.
As you bow your head, your thumb is closest to your chest.
First of all - always acknowledge who God is:
- For Example: He is Lord, He is our Provider, He is all knowing, He is Good, etc..
Second of all - always thank Him for something
- For Example: Thank you for my parents, my home, my health, my pet, etc...
Thirdly, use your fingers to help you remember who to pray for:
- The thumbs are the closes to your heart so pray for your family - they come first. Pray for parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc...
- The index fingers are next and if you lift all the fingers and wiggle them, it will remind you of a church with lots of people. So pray for your pastor, Sunday School teachers, music director, musicians, etc...
- The longest and dominant fingers are next and that will remind you to pray for those in authority. So pray for your country's leaders, the police, firemen, teachers, military etc...
- The ring fingers are next and that will remind you to pray for those that are hurting. So pray for the sick, hurting, and people in need, etc...
- The pinkie and smallest finger is next so that will remind you to pray for yourself. Talk about yourself to God, how you feel, your goals, your needs, etc...
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