How to Pray for Missionaries & Ministers
Pray for them and their Children:
- To have the time to be faithful in worship, bible study, prayer, and to
continue in their spiritual growth
- To be able to get their Visas renewed in a timely manner
- To be delivered from wicked and evil men
- To adapt to the culture and customs
- To have patience, integrity, reliability, empathy, and consistency
- For their physical and mental health and to find a good source of medical care
- For their physical and spiritual protection
- To have compatible, sustaining Christian relationships with friends, team members, church & national leaders, nationals, and with those at home
- To be steadfast during set backs and not be discouraged
- To be released from fear
- To have a clear direction in ministry
- To have holiday arrangements and time to relax and unwind
- For the relationships between husband and wife to stay bonded
- That the children would love and serve the Lord
- To have happy family times together
- That the children would not resent being separated from their parents, and that the parents won't fret about their children
- To be able to maintain contact with their children, their parents, and family
- To adjustment back to life in their own country
- When they visit churches and supporters they would build strong links and renew relationships
- Good links with financial and prayer supporters
- To learn and understand their new language, while learning, to have language helpers who have the courage to correct and advise them
- For discernment authority to resist Satan's attacks
Pray for their ministry:
- To proclaim the message clearly, abundantly and reap bountifully
- To have opportunities to plant and water seeds of the Good News
- That they would be prepared in and out of season to share the word of God
- To reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with all longsuffering and doctrine
- That whenever they open their mouth that words may be given to them so that they will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel with grace, seasoned with salt, that they may know how they ought to answer every man
- To overcome frustration due to widely differing views
- To train successors and disciple new believers to maturity
- To have the financial support for the ongoing ministry
- To be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and have Spirit-let ministry
- To have favor with the nationals and officials
- That God would count them worthy of this calling
- That they would speak to please God and not men
- To be a wise masterbuilder and take heed how he/she builds the foundation
- That God would open doors to speak the mystery of Christ
- That they would make the word of God manifest as they ought to speak
- That they would walk in wisdom
- To take heed to feed the church of God
- To have Christ's power work in the them
- That God would supply any resources or literature that's needed
- That the message of the Lord may spread rapidly
- To multiply the fruit of the Spirit in the lives of missionaries as they are pushed beyond their own limits
- For their ability to stay focused on the ministry to which they have been called
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