How to Pray
Simple and Practical Helps to Pray
1. Write prayer requests on a slip of paper and put it in a bowl, each time you pass the bowl, take one out and pray for the request. Every once in awhile go through them to praise God for the answered requests.
2. When you get a request, write it in your bible. Each time you open your bible pray for the requests. Write the date on the request when it was answered.
3. Write requests down on post-it-slips and put them up around the house. As you see them, you are reminded to pray for the requests.
4. As you are laying in bed and can't go to sleep, it would be a good time to praise God and pray for others.
5. When you wake up in the morning, before getting out of bed, praise God and pray for yourself and others.
6. When receiving Christmas, Birthday, anniversary, or greeting cards, place them in a bowl and take one out each day to pray for those that sent them to you.
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