Welcome to Victorian Townhouses of Santa Barbara! -- Luxury Vacation Rentals

Our Victorian Cottage in Front and the Duplex to the Rear -- Down the Driveway.
See the Tower with the "Witches' Cap"?

Statistics from www.Weatherbase.com. (To return to this site either close the new window or use the back button on your browser.)

Map Coordinates: Latitute: 34 25N   Longitude: 119

Elevation: 7 feet

Average Weather:   Yearly Temp: 59º F/     Yearly Precipitation: 16.3 in.     Rainy Days/Year: 31    
Days/Year Above 70º F/21º C: 178     
Days/Year Above 90º F/32º C: 3      
Days/Year Below 32º F/0º C: 6