Sell American Grown Emu Oil Products
that is AEA Certified
Refined Emu Oil"--Our emu oil is refined at Texas A&M University
to pharmaceutical quality. |
Are you suffering
from annoying sharp pains? Try massaging some pure emu oil provided
to us by Mother Nature |
the skin's growth activity to help prevent stretch
marks and reduce scaring, swelling
and muscle soreness.
emu oil also gives relief from skin disorders such as psoriasis,
eczema, acne, rashes and dry skin.
and replenishing skin to reduce wrinkles and signs of aging.
oil has anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties, plus it is deep
penetrating to help heal your aches and pain.
reduction in sports related muscle strains with a emu oil massage Pre
and Post exercise.
fine lines and stretch marks. |
Emu Oil Deep
Heat Salve is an external preparation
for the relief of bodily aches
and pains of muscle and joints due to simple backache, arthritis,
strains and sprains.
Other Uses for Emu Oil
- Alleviates sting and itch from
insect bites
Reduces fine
lines and stretch marks
Helps diabetic
patients heal faster
Eases sore, tired
Reduces hemorrhoids
Promotes healthy
nails and cuticles
Loosens muscles
prior to work-out
Helps people with
Crohn's disease
Sexual lubricant
Eases teething
Helps get rid
of ring worm on pets
Alleviates "Hot
Spots" on animals
- Moisturizes dry, cracked, itchy
- Aids healing skin from rashes
and bed sores
- Promotes healthy gum tissue
- Alleviates
sun burn pain
- Helps prevent cold sores and
canker sores
- Ease headache and menstrual pain
- Conditions hair and promotes
- Helps clear up diaper rash
- Moisturizes dry noses & paws
on pets
- Helps pass fur balls in cats
Acne, eczema, psoriasis
and dandruff
*Acne and eczema often affect the hairline as well, so in
addition to using a gentle facial cleanser containing emu oil,
add a few drops to your shampoo
and/or conditioner!
Acne sufferers, do not hesitate to use emu oil as a daily moisturizer!
It is wonderful for helping to control acne! It will also help
to reduce the inflammation of any blemishes you already have.
Emu oil acts as an anti-inflammatory, reducing the irritation
and itchiness commonly caused by acne and eczema lesions, as well
as other skin diseases. The anti-bacterial agent naturally found
in emu oil, when combined with proper skin care, will help to
decrease the chances of infection and blemishes. Use it along
with your topical blemish applications for quicker results! Emu
oil promotes healing and helps to prevent scarring.
Diminish wrinkles and other
signs of aging?
Emu Oil is a natural emollient. Emu oil helps combat the
effects of the aging process. Research has shown emu oil can thicken
the skin, which reduces the appearance of aging.
It has been found that the application of emu oil to the skin
thickens the tissue by as much as 14%. Age spots and wrinkles
become nearly unnoticeable, and skin takes on a more youthful
appearance. Emu oil is highly penetrating, bringing moisture deep
into the skin, healing dryness, cracking and itchiness. |
here for all of our products}
Pure Emu Oil | Hand & Body Lotion | Bath & Shower Gel | Deep Heat Salve | Capsules | Exfoliate Therapy | Majestic Day Cream | Royal Night Cream | Green Relief | Chap Stick | Make-up | Sun Protection Therapy | Conditioner | Shampoo | Equine Maintenance Ultra Therapy

Starter Kit - 1 oz pure emu oil, 4 oz emu oil lotion, emu oil chap stick
Only $18.00
Starter Kit - 2 oz pure emu oil, 4 oz emu oil lotion, emu oil chap stick
Only $25.00
Starter Kit - 35 Golfers Survival Kit
Only $26.50
A must for any golfer.
Starter Kit - 2 oz pure emu oil, 4 oz Sun Protection, emu oil chap stick
Only $28.00
Starter Kit - 1 oz pure emu oil, 2 oz Green Relief, emu oil chap stick
Only $25.50
Starter Kit - 1 oz pure emu oil, 1/2 oz Deep Heat, emu oil chap stick
Only $23.50
