SAM-e (S-Adenosylmethionine) is a chiral molecule and therefore consists of two forms: (S,S) SAM-e and (R,S) SAM-e. The biologically active form is the (S,S) structure, while the (R,S) structure is biologically inactive. Jarrow Formulas' SAM-e is made naturally by microbiological fermentation and then specially processed to preserve 68-80% (S,S) SAM-e, the highest active level available. SAM-e is an amino acid derivative that has been clinically proven to benefit brain, joint and liver function. Found in all living cells, SAM-e is also called activated methionine (an essential amino acid) since it is formed by the combining of ATP with methionine. SAM-e has undergone dozens of trials involving thousands of patients. Researchers studying the beneficial effects of SAM-e have identified the following benefits of SAM-e: Joint Strength Brain Metabolism Longevity Liver