Jarrow Iso-Rich Soy Powder Features: Consistent isoflavone level. Each serving guarantees a total of 56 mg of naturally occurring isoflavones, consisting of genistin/genistein, daidzin/daidzein and glycitin/glycitein. The isoflavone level in one serving of Iso-Rich Soy is more than twice the amount in 8 oz of soy milk and equal to about 2 servings of tofu. The isoflavone level in Iso-Rich Soy reflects the daily dietary intake of isoflavones in Asian countries such as Japan. Water extraction of soy protein preserves naturally occurring isoflavones, saponins and IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate). IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) supports cellular development and immunity, including enhancing Natural Killer (NK) cell function. IP6 also supports cardiovascular health by binding free iron. Saponins, another naturally occurring group of phytonutrients in soy, have been shown in scientific studies to enhance body’s defense mechanisms.