You don't have to be a fanatic to stick to your healthy diet! Even though SNACBAR's taste like candy bars, they are nutritionally sound, and you can eat them without falling off the 'diet wagon'. Instead of the measly three grams of protein and portly twelve grams of fat found in the average candy bar, SNACBAR's are packed with up to twelve grams of protein - Whey protein and caseinate protein, Not lower grade soy protein or collagen - They also provide your body withnd the high energy of complex carbohydrates. Yet, they contain only 3 grams of fat. Once you try one, you may never miss a conventional candy bar again. So next time you're hungry and want a quick and tasty snack, do what more and more recognized professional athletes are doing: reach for a SNACBAR and satisfy your sweet tooth and your dietary plans at the same time.