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Is my purchase safe over an Internet Store?

This Website takes a number of precautions to protect our users' information. When users submit sensitive information through the Website (credit and debit card information), this information is protected both online and offline. Also, if your browser supports a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol (which is currently Microsoft Internet Explorer, AOL, Netscape and other browsers), then credit and debit card information entered on the Order Form, is encrypted before it is sent from your computer to the internet. In addition, users' information is restricted in our offices. Most people do not think a thing about handing their credit or debit card to a waiter or a clerk while dining out or getting gas. All the attendant or waiter has to do is write down your credit card information and date of expiration. Now, that is taking a risk.

We will take great precautions through the use of commercial grade security software, firewall and anti-virus technology to make sure that every transaction is virtually impossible to be seen by prying eyes over the internet.

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