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Marches - Christchurch and Auckland

27 Nov 2007

From Family First

If the Electoral Finance Bill is pushed through next week in its current form, we believe it will severely limit the speech of community organisations, special interest groups and individuals in an election year. Yet at the same time political parties will be able to take large anonymous donations and large amounts of taxpayer funding

We believe voters have the same right to be heard as political parties.

Please join us as we

MARCH against the

Electoral Finance Bill

Victoria Square Christchurch Wednesday (tomorrow) 12.30pm

Auckland Town Hall, Queen St Saturday 2pm

CLICK HERE for more details about why we oppose the Bill

Groups like Family First and other pro-family groups, churches and community groups will be significantly muzzled and restricted by this legislation - and for the whole of 2008! During an election year, we need to be able to promote and debate the pro-life, pro-family and pro-marriage messages.

Speak up now – before it’s too late

ps - if you are attending these marches and are available to assist in carrying our large banner, please email The last group who did it were on TV1 News!!

U4L, upcoming weekend events


Taupo - Larry Baldock is targeting the Taupo Bike Race, we have heard that this event attracts 20,000. If any volunteers are interested with helping it will be much appreciated. Please contact for details.

Catlins - Natalie has organized a table at the Balclutha A&P Show this Saturday, and it's under cover. Any volunteers in the area please contact Natalie by e-mail or or mob 021746113

Nelson - We have a request from Jan, this is her request-Can anyone help me gather signatures for the petitions at Nelson A&P Show in Richmond this weekend, entry tickets provided. I'm 65 and not much use without support so I hope people can come while the news reports are fresh in their minds.
Yours sincerely,
Please contact me by either e-mailing or mobile 021746113

Henderson - John is currently organising some tables at the Whanua Day Out run by the Ezekiel 33 Trust. Please contact me by either e-mailing or mobile 021746113

Rodney - Arna is about to weave some more magic up there, she is looking at the Albany area as well. She can be contacted through

Howick - Targeting a Christmas parade on Saturday at Picton Street, for more details contact me by either e-mailing or mobile 021746113

Upcoming activities - November 2007

"The Great New Zealand Table Challenge"

List of tables/door-knocking campaigns:
Rodney: Anna Mountain is back in the country and is about to weave some more of her magic, please click here
North Shore: a lot of work is happening behind the scenes, please click here
Manurewa: is about to fire, please click here
Pukekohe: locals are taking ownership, good stuff
Waiuku: about to fire as well
Hawkes Bay: venues have been confirmed, please click here
Christchurch: the tables are continuing and there are volunteers beginning to put up there hands, remember the table at the A&P Show, please click here
Catlins: some good ideas here, please click here

Again all coordinators need volunteers, if you have a spare day it won't be wasted, it's for the future of your children.

Larry Baldock's travel plans and the CIR Petition

Our Congratulations go this week to Andy Moore who has been organising a small team to work in Christchurch on Saturday mornings at the netball courts. He has collected more than a thousand in 3 weeks of activity just for a few hours on a Saturday. If you can help this Saturday or any Saturday pls contact Andy at 0211140751.

This Saturday we will be out at Blake Park in Mt Maunganui to collect amongst the netball, rugby and hockey spectators. All welcome. Pls call us on 5430600 if you can help.

BE A GOOD SPORT – Collect Signatures This Saturday at your local Sports Field

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Equipping parents to do battle to protect the integrity of their family