20" Ringneck Pheasant
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Shown in Honey Pinion (HP)  Also available in Lazartfusion (LF)  And Rusticfusion (RF) The Ringneck Pheasant is a long-tailed bird that is especially abundant in the grain-fields of the prairie states and provinces. Getting its name from the white ring found on the neck of the male, the male Ringneck Pheasant has a brown back and coppery breast, with a purplish-green neck. He has a long streaming, narrow, cross-barred tail, and is about 35 inches long. His entire body is speckled and barred, and he has two short “horns” of feathers at the back of the crown. The female, or hen, is smaller than the male. She is brownish- black in color, and is about 25 inches long. The Ringneck Pheasant has many as 15 or more species that are considered endangered or threatened due to over-hunting or habitat destruction.