30" Moose Cabin Scene
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30" Moose Cabin Scene
Made in America

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Moose provided cold-climate Early Americans with a source of food and clothing. Heavy long sleeved jackets made from moose hide with moose skin trousers protected the Early Americans from severe winters. Fir branches covered with moose hides served as floors and beds inside wigwams. Since moose are solitary animals they were hunted individually. For the hunt, the men covered themselves with animal skins, wore antlers on their heads, and reproduced the moose mating call through the use of a birch-bark instrument. Moose are depicted in petroglyphs usually in hunting scenes.

Order Information

Item Number: NR-MCS30W

Price: $119.95


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Size 30 Inches
Artist: Neil Rose

All Prices in US Dollars

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