24” Deer Tracks
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Shown in WalnutSage(WS)  Also Available in Rusticfusion (RF) And HoneyPinion (HP) Changing color with the season, the deer’s upper body color changes from a reddish- brown in the summer to buff in winter, its belly and the underside of its tail are completely white. and it has a white patch on the throat. The deer sheds its hair twice a year, its heavy winter coat giving way to a lighter one in spring which is replaced again in early fall. The full-grown antlers of the buck are arched forward and have five or six points. Antler growth normally begins in April to early May. The new antlers are tender and velvet covered, with the velvet shed in early September on al most all bucks. Most bucks shed their racks in January and February. Bucks are very swift animals that often live their entire life within a few square miles.