Neil Rose is one of the most recognized names in outdoor and wildlife art. Neil Rose is no stranger to the outdoors, as he became very familiar with the outdoors and wildlife at a very young age, learning to hunt and fish from his father. The self taught sculptor began creating his three dimensional work 25 years ago, and has had his work marketed and sold throughout the US and Canada for the past twelve years. Currently living in Montana with his wife Laurel, he is inspired by his surroundings of mountains that are green with timber and rich in wildlife. and has great appreciation and interest in his subject matter.
Most of these Lazart© metal art pieces are shown in rich Copper Shadow finish. Copper Shadow finish incorporates a unique process resulting in a copper-based undertone with blue-green, brown, and red shading. Each piece is created individually by artisan craftsmen, and no two are alike. The clear powder coat encapsulating each piece contains UV inhibitors. However, the piece, if placed outdoors, will weather naturally and gain character and beauty over time.

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    Description Price
1.   30" Brave Reflections (Indian with Tee Pees)
Item No. NR-RBV30W
2.   30" Kokopelli Pueblo Reflections
Item No. NR-RPU30W
3.   30" Reflections Trout Scene
Item No. NR-RTO30W
4.   30" Reflections of the Wilderness--Cowboy
Item No. NR-RCB30W
5.   30” Reflections of the Wilderness – Bear
Item No. NR-RBE30W
6.   30” Reflections of the Wilderness – Buck
Item No. NR-RBC30W
7.   30” Reflections of the Wilderness – Eagle
Item No. NR-REA30W
8.   30” Reflections of the Wilderness – Elk
Item No. NR-REL30W
9.   30” Reflections of the Wilderness – Horse
Item No. NR-RHO30W
10.   30” Reflections of the Wilderness – Lab
Item No. NR-RLAB30W
All prices in US Dollars


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