Politics and Policy
Cheney’s Records Stonewalling
It’s clear that Cheney is going to extraordinary lengths to keep anyone from seeing his e-mail records. He has deleted e-mails in violation of the Presidential Records Act (which his spokesmen claim to be inadvertent), he has used a Republican Party e-mail account for official correspondence (also in violation of the Presidential Records Act), and he has rejected any attempt by the Information Security Oversight Office to audit his office’s compliance with security protocols, as required by Presidential Order.
What is Cheney Hiding?????
Which brings us to the question: Just what is it that Cheney is hiding?
Among the more reasonable suspicions being discussed in the national media are that the hidden e-mails will show that Cheney:
(a) Was directly involved in the firing of the federal prosecutors, for political reasons.
(b) Was directly involved in the “outing” of CIA covert agent Valerie Plame, in violation of U.S. law and contrary to statements Cheney made to the Grand Jury.
(c) That Cheney was directly involved in knowingly creating false justifications for entering into the Iraq war.
Pure, Unbridled, Unsupported Speculation:
But some of us think that perhaps there is more. We pretty much accept the above possibilities as a given. Surely the above are not sufficient reasons to go to the extraordinary steps Cheney and Rove are going through, to keep their correspondence secret?
Let us go beyond mere idle speculation, just for the fun of it, and guess at what deep, dark, secrets might actually be hiding in the e-mail vaults of the vice-President:
(a) Cheney is directly involved in a campaign to manipulate and rig the 2000, 2004, and 2008 elections.
(b) Cheney is still a secret director of Halliburton, and spends at least half his day making sure that a good portion of the federal treasury flows in that direction (recent news articles showed most of the Federal purchasing was going to no-bid contracts, such as Halliburton and its subsidiary, KKR).
(c) Cheney was the source behind the memo which Dan Rathers used in his 60 Minute piece about George Bush’s National Guard career, and he was also the source which leaked to right-wing bloggers how to tell that the memo was a forgery (hence killing three birds with one stone: Dan Rather, CBS, and any future discussion of Bush’s National Guard career.
(d) Cheney was one of the original Watergate plumbers.
(e) Cheney was the shooter on the grassy knoll.
(f) Cheney’s “affectionate” nickname for President Bush being is “duffus”.
(g) Cheney knows that President Bush was actually a co-star of one of Ronald Reagan’s old films: Bedtime for Bonzo. Bush was the co-star and title character.
(h) Cheney receives daily orders not from Bush, but from somebody that goes by the mysterious screen name “Beelzebub”. Or is Cheney’s screen name “Beelzebub”?
Any other guesses?
As for myself, if Cheney want’s to claim that he is not a member of the “administration” but instead part of the Senate, then why don’t we accommodate him by having the Senate force him to comply with the security records laws as is every other Senator? Perhaps the Senate investigating committees can now subpoena his records – he can’t very well claim “executive privilege, can he?
(Posted by Rick in Seattle, June 26, 2007).
College Rowing Scholarships
Title IX has made hundreds of college rowing scholarships available for women rowers, and recently some colleges have even begun to offer scholarships to a select few of their men's rowers, also. Who gets these scholarships, and how do those rowers get noticed by the college coaches, whereas others do not? What type of athelete is the college coach looking for? Can non-rowers really have a chance at a rowing scholarship? What NCAA regulations impact a high school student hoping to row in college? This page is devoted to resources which help answer those questions.
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