Politics and Policy
This is all I'm really going to say about the current scandals involving politicians and preachers:
You would think that politicians, preachers/priests, and actors, from every scope of the political spectrum, would have gotten the word by now.
1. Just because you don’t tell someone who you are doesn’t mean you are anonymous, especially if you appear on TV on a regular basis.
2. Do you really believe that the drug-addicted prostitute who is willing to perform sex acts for twenty bucks has such high professional standards that they will protect your anonymity, even in the face of huge cash offers from political rivals or tabloids?
3. Yes, there are some people who will try to “set you up” by placing a temptation in front of you. No, it is not their fault, it is your fault if you succumb. Expect it, and reject it.
4. Just because an allegation is “politically motivated” doesn’t mean it isn’t true, or that it can be just as damaging to your career.
5. Alchohol and drugs affect your judgment. The first thing they do is make you think that alchohol and drugs don’t affect your judgment.
6. Assume that everything you do, everything you write, and everything you say, will become public within the next week. It probably will eventually, anyway. Very few secrets last forever. And live your life accordingly.
Posted by RHP6033
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