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Effective Ways To Stop Smoking Cigarettes by: Steve Hill

A purpose is the eternal condition for success. Every former smoker
can tell you just how hard it is to stop smoking cigarettes. However, there
are a range of stop smoking commodities that can assist you on your transition
to a smoke-free lifestyle. Though there is no cure for smoking, there are a
variety of smoking free videos, quit smoking aid groups and prescription and
natural stop smoking aids that will make your endeavour to quit smoking
cigarettes much easier for you. Quit Smoking Tips A journey of a thousand
miles must begin with a single step. Lao-tzu, Tao-te Ching You may feel like
you will never possess enough commitment power to quit smoking cigarettes.
However, trying to stop smoking is just like all things else in the world. It
takes practice. Very few individuals stop for good on the principal try. Each
time you try to stop, it will get a little easier, especially if you are
knowledgeable of some of the best ways to quit smoking. These days, there are
a variety of goods on the market that can assist you to stop smoking
cigarettes. There are laser smoking restraint treatments, acupuncture
cessation smoking methods, and even a smoking cessation shot. You can also see
your physician to obtain a stop smoking antidepressant. These medicines help
to relieve stress and to also cut down on your cravings, serving you to stop
smoking faster and more permanently. A person with some doubt but taking
action is better than one with no doubt taking no action. Michael E. Angier If
you are interested in nicotine interchange methods to help stop smoking
cigarettes, you might consider purchasing the patch or nicotine gum. The patch
is just a patch that you apply everyday that delivers a stable amount of
nicotine into your system. Rather than dealing with nicotine withdrawal
symptoms such as irritation or hunger, the patch allows you to gradually wean
yourself off of the drug by gradually reducing the amount of nicotine every
week or so. The patch has proven to be one of the best ways to quit smoking.
Nicotine gum is another method that can help you to stop smoking cigarettes.
Nicotine gum works greatly like the patch, except that you can control the
amount of nicotine you are receiving. Every time you have a cigarette hunger,
you can reach out for a new chunk of gum rather than a cigarette. If you
strictly follow the directions that go along with these nicotine gum stop
smoking products, you will discover that your cravings are drastically
reduced. Rather than spending your entire day fighting your cigarette
cravings, you can feel a bit more normal while you are trying to stop smoking.
A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If
there's no action, you haven't truly decided. Anthony Robbins No matter what
stop smoking methods you use to stop smoking cigarettes, you can rest assured
that it is worth it. You will have much more energy once you boot the routine,
and you will also save a lot of cash. All of these benefits pale in
comparison, however, to the fitness benefits you will giving yourself and the
people around you. I hope you have gotten some good quit smoking advice from
this article and that you are able to use them. Can Acupuncture Help you Stop,
and Eventually Quit Smoking? by: Peter Vine Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese
healing approach that is almost 3500 years old. It is based on the belief that
chi, a vital energy force flows around 12 key channels around the body. Within
these channels there are 365 acupuncture points, which can sometimes become
‘blocked’ preventing the smooth flow of the vital energy, resulting in
degrading health. Acupuncture is a highly effective method for treating all
manner of addictions including nicotine. The application of acupuncture to
help you stop and eventually quit altogether, involves the insertion of very
fine needles into special points on the skin. The needles are generally left
in the skin for up to 20mins. There is virtually no pain apart from the slight
pricking sensation when the needle first goes in. The technique itself results
in the release of special chemicals called endorphins which will provide a
‘natural high’ at the end of the treatment. Following the first treatment, the
patient is likely to cough up phlegm during the week after treatment as the
body starts to adjust to life without smoking, and the tar and phlegm in the
lungs starts to loosen. It is common to schedule a follow up session about 1
week after the first to assess progress, and decide whether further therapy is
required. Many heavy smokers have reported success after only 1 or 2
acupuncture sessions. Acupuncture as a method for quitting smoking is best for
those individuals that are heavily addicted to the nicotine, but have clearly
made the commitment to quit. This type of therapy will dramatically reduce the
side effects of nicotine withdrawal, such as the cravings, depression and
anxiety. The body will also start to repair itself, particularly in improving
blood circulation and de-congesting the lungs, and the patient will generally
feel very positive and optimistic as a result of the release of natural
anti-depressants by the brain. Combining acupuncture with more traditional
approaches to quitting smoking can be an effective strategy, especially if you
have tried and failed at simply using willpower to quit in the past. If you
decide acupuncture to stop smoking is for you, make sure you see a qualified
and reputable practitioners. Effective Hypnosis Quit Smoking Methods by:
Steve Hill

Hypnosis quit smoking methods maintain caused quite a stir in the
medical world over the last two decades. There is a lot of argument pertaining
to whether or not hypnosis quit smoking treatments are actually useful in the
long-term. Nonetheless, there has been much research conducted concerning the
treatments, and the agreement is that hypnosis treatments are just as
effective as any variant stop smoking product. I am not discouraged, because
every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward. Thomas Alva Edison
Whether you have been smoking since your adolescence or if you just became
genuinely addicted, hypnosis quit smoking treatments can assist you get on top
of the intense cravings that most persons experience when they try to quit
smoking. The process of hypnosis to support stop smoking involves a
hypnotherapist who guides the patient into a heightened condition of awareness
that is also a dreamlike state. In this state of perception, the patient is
highly susceptible to suggestions. The hypnotherapist will suggest a variety
of phrases that help to cut down the patient's cravings and reliance on
cigarettes. Many therapists claim that the pressure reduction brought about
via hypnosis is the primary explanation why it works. Patients feel less
stress and are therefore less likely to use cigarettes as a means to reduce
stress throughout the day. Though hypnosis quit smoking methods do appear to
travail in the short term, there is still much debate pertaining to the
long-term effects of the treatments. For example, hypnosis can help some
person stop smoking for a few months, but after the treatments are finished,
it may be hard for a patient to continue to thwart the drive to smoke.
However, hypnosis is still considered one of the most popular commonplace stop
smoking aids. Because it does not include prescription or nicotine
supplements, it is one of the healthiest ways to quit smoking. There are
typically a few hypnosis quit smoking clinics in most metropolitan areas. For
instance, Atlanta hypnosis quit smoking clinics are scattered all over
throughout the city. With regular stop smoking methods gaining more and more
approval, hypnosis is becoming one of the more common ways to obtain quit
smoking support. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
Lao-tzu, Tao-te Ching When you are trying to quit smoking, hypnosis quit
smoking methods and alternate ways to help yourself quit are only as
productive as your willpower allows them to be. You have to be ready to give
up smoking before even the finest quit smoking way will work. Quit smoking
tips can only go so far when it comes to reducing your cravings. You must be
ready to fight your urges in order for any quit smoking aids to be useful.
However, if you are resolute to quit smoking, you can use any figure of stop
smoking products to help you along on your journey toward a smoke-free
lifestyle. From natural to medical alternatives, you are never by oneself
while you are trying to quit smoking. Stop Smoking Now by: Paul Hegarty With
all the knowledge we have theses days, it can be very surprising to see people
continue to indulge in habits that are detrimental to their health. In actual
fact what this tells us is that addiction is powerful. Our objective is to
learn about smoking. How it affects you. The power of addiction and health
implications involved in this habit. Currently it is estimated that over one
billion people smoke around the world. Most smokers begin at an early age,
generally in there teens. In the past smoking was a recreational function of
the rich, but these days that is quite the contrary. Unfortunately the less
educated seem to be smoking rather than the educated. The level of education,
income and standard of living contribute greatly to the success of quitting
smoking. Here are some interesting statistics from the world health
organization. 25.6 million people smoke in the United States. Among whites
25.1% of men smoke and 21.7% of women smoke. Among African Americans, 27.6% of
men smoke and 18% of women smoke. Among Hispanics 23.2% men smoke and 12.5% of
women smoke. Among Asians 21.3% men smoke and 6.9% of women. One out of every
five deaths is tobacco related. It is estimated that 400’000 Americans die
each year from tobacco. Smoking is highest among persons living below the
poverty level. Education is extremely important in the fight against smoking.
Education is not just telling people about smoking. What is needed is dialogue
and interaction so that each individual can understand factually the
implications. I talked to a person one time who was very upset that the price
of cigarettes is getting increasingly expensive. She felt she was been
discriminated against. To her she is addicted and the majority are against
her. She felt the fight against tobacco was an attack on her. Firstly it is
poor education that makes her feel this way. Secondly when smoking socially
you also jeopardize the health of others. Thirdly the costs to the health
system are enormous. Fourthly we as people take things personally. Addiction
can bring pleasure temporarily but fatal consequences later. Her challenge was
that she wanted to continue smoking and the majorities were making it
difficult for her. So when you really get down to it she was concerned about
her own pleasures above her health and the health of others. The choices to
continue smoking is yours, but understand that the costs are high for your
health and the health of others. No one can deny the dangers of smoking. Quit
today. Quit Smoking - Prepare To Succeed by: David Olsen For many smokers the
desire to quit smoking is strong…yet it seems no matter what they do, they
just can’t seem to break this devastating habit. The inability to quit smoking
causes many to privately belittle themselves and curse their seeming weakness.
For others it seems they simply wake up one morning and decide to quit
smoking. What makes the difference in these people? Is someone who decides to
quit smoking like this a stronger person than the one who has yet to become a
non-smoker? Let’s evaluate. First off, most people even smokers don’t really
enjoy smoking. For some the nicotine addiction is strong. Nicotine is very
addictive, and breaking this addiction by not smoking can be very trying and
difficult. Even after months have passed, there are those who will start
smoking again. So, if you’re one who has yet to quit smoking don’t berate or
belittle yourself. By the same token, don’t give up on the idea to quit
smoking. Yes, nicotine is addictive, but it is an addiction that can be
broken. There are several aids available to help you quit smoking. There’s
gum, there’s patches, and there’s even inhalers containing nicotine, that will
gradually help you wean yourself from the addiction as you quit smoking. All
of these aids do have merit. One component is mandatory if any of these aids
are to work for the person that has previously tried to quit smoking and
failed. This component is your attitude. Before you even begin the actual
process to quit smoking, you will most likely need some adjustments in your
attitude. If you prepare yourself before you actually quit smoking, your
chances for success are much better. The way to begin to prepare yourself is
to come to certain realizations. First off, you can’t quit just because
someone told you it is bad for your health. You can’t quit because your
significant other wants you to quit smoking. Most likely fear is not a good
motivator for you either. You’ve developed a strong will to continue, even
though you berate yourself for it. Thus, for you the decision to quit smoking
must be accompanied by a will that is just as strong, if not stronger than
your current will to quit smoking. Many processes and plans have been
developed by different organizations to aid you in this process. Most will
tell you to set a quit date at least 10 days out, and don’t actually stop
smoking until your quit date. It’s also advised that “cold turkey” is the most
successful quit path. During those days before your actual quit smoking target
date, you are mentally preparing yourself to be free from smoking. This must
be a strong decision that only you can make for yourself. No one else can do
it for you. To lead you to the strength you need to effectively quit smoking,
you’ll need to evaluate yourself and the real reasons behind why you are still
smoking. This is not an easy task for many, but once they’ve listed all the
true reasons, and have adopted the mental attitude to replace smoking with
other things that will provide better benefits, the task of quitting becomes
much easier. Once your quit smoking date arrives, you may want to use some of
the aids discussed above to improve your success rate. The point is that if
you’ve properly done your preparation beforehand your opportunity for success
will be greatly improved. Remember, the mind and body thrive and accommodate
whatever substance you give it. Be sure to feed both the mind and body only
positive substance and the results will be positive. You can quit smoking. Why
is it Hard to Quit Smoking by: Adam Waxler Tobacco is responsible for the
death of 1 in 10 adults all over the world, which translates to around 5
million deaths every year. The disease mainly strikes the cardiovascular
system, resulting to heart attack, respiratory tract diseases, and even
cancer. Regardless of the risks of smoking cigarettes, to quit smoking is not
an easy task, yet it is possible. Why is it hard to quit smoking? Foremost,
this is because most smokers become addicted to the nicotine contained in
tobacco products. Nicotine has a deadly addictive power. When a person smokes
a cigarette, nicotine particles find their way to the lungs through
inhalation. From there, nicotine is absorbed into the bloodstream just like
the oxygen people breathe. It travels with the blood to the brain where it
locks onto certain receptor areas. Dopamine is then released into the brain.
This is the chemical that makes the smoker feel a euphoric sensation. Smokers
find it difficult to quit smoking because they come to be dependent on this
good feeling. And, this leads to dependence – addiction. A person who attempts
to quit smoking may experience withdrawal symptoms. Topping the bill of
withdrawal symptoms is depression. With the absence of the chemical that
produces the relaxing feeling, the brain becomes distressed without it. Other
withdrawal symptoms from smoking include: Headaches dizziness, and nausea
Shakes, chills Cough, dry throat nasal drip Hunger, fatigue Constipation, gas
or stomach pain Insomnia Not knowing what to do with their hands is another
common complaint among people trying to quit smoking. Once people get hooked,
smoking becomes a big part of their lives. They seem to actually enjoy holding
onto a cigarette. And, after a long period of lighting up, it becomes a
routine. As a fact, humans are creatures of habit. By some force of habit,
smokers find themselves reaching for a cigarette and lighting it up
automatically without thinking about it. Certain “triggers” in the environment
may also make it difficult to quit smoking. Little things may turn on a
smoker’s need for a cigarette. These may be feelings, places, and moods. Even
the things done routinely may trigger this craving for a smoke. For those who
have been smoking for quite a while already, they may not realize it but they
form some emotional attachment to cigarettes. They find the cigarette calming
and comforting during those stressful times. Cigarette smoking somehow becomes
an extension of their social life, particularly when they are emotionally at
the highest or lowest. Giving the smoker a feeling that to quit smoking would
seem like giving up a trusted friend. These are only some of the major reasons
why it is hard to quit smoking. But there are also several strategies and
quitting techniques that may aid smokers to finally give up on the habit.
Quitting smoking all begins with one’s intention to stop. They must have the
will power to overcome the craving for nicotine. There are also a lot of quit
smoking products in the market. These may also be worth trying. Support groups
have proved to be very helpful, too. Those who smoke cigarettes must
understand that to quit smoking may take more than one attempt. They must also
try several methods before they can finally succeed. Smoking is a stubborn
habit because it is closely tied to the acts in the course of people’s
everyday lives. Even so, with determination, will power, and a strategy,
anyone can quit smoking. Copyright 2006 Adam Waxler Want An Early Death? Just
Keep Smoking by: Natan Young There was a time when smoking a cigarette was
kind of the “chic” and fashionable thing to do in many social environments.
During many years (and still today) there was kind of a social conditioning
for smoking. It was like wearing a nice suit or a fashionable hat. Something
everyone should “use” if they ever wanted to be included in the “winners” side
at the end of the game. Regretfully, the game is over already for many smokers
that had to suffer the most common consequence of smoking, i.e., an early
death. The most active ingredient in a cigarette and the one that is involved
in causing the heavy addictive characteristics of tobacco is the naturally
occurring liquid alkaloid better known as Nicotine. While there are thousands
of chemicals in a single cigarette, including the naturally occurring ones and
also those added by cigarette manufacturers, it is one, Nicotine, that
produces all the good feelings that draw people back for another cigarette or
plug of tobacco, again and again. In the standard procedures of cigarette
manufacturing, producers use tobacco where Nicotine normally makes up about 5
percent of the plant by weight. Just packed cigarettes, contain 8 to 20
milligrams (mg) of nicotine (depending on the brand you prefer to smoke), but
only approximately 1 mg is actually absorbed by your body when you smoke a
cigarette. But you do not need industrial amounts of Nicotine in your body in
order to become addicted to cigarette. This minimal quantity of Nicotine that
you absorb with each cigarette you smoke is more than enough to make you
eternally beg for more, and more again. Nicotine readily diffuses into your
body through the following channels: Skin, Lungs and the Mucous membranes such
as the lining of your nose or your gums. That’s why you will get equally
addicted to nicotine even if you just chew and spit tobacco. The path Nicotine
follows into your body starts right into the small blood vessels that line the
tissues covering the channels mentioned above. From there, nicotine travels
through your bloodstream and then it safely arrives to the brain, and then is
delivered to the rest of your body. Even considering that Nicotine takes a lot
of different actions throughout the smokers body (many of them very bad), what
it does once it has arrived to the brain is responsible for both the good
feelings you get from smoking, as well as the irritability you feel if you try
to quit; i.e., the brain becomes addicted. Within 10 to 15 seconds of inhaling
the smoke of your cigarette, you will probably be in the throes of nicotine's
effects. Nicotine initially causes a rapid release of Adrenaline, the
"fight-or-flight" hormone. The effects of this hormone are the familiar: Rapid
heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and rapid, shallow breathing. All this
state of high alertness caused by adrenaline also tells your body to dump some
of its glucose stores into your blood. And if we consider that Nicotine itself
may also block the release of the hormone insulin. This all means that
nicotine puts people in a hyperglycemic state, having more sugar than usual in
their blood torrent. So you become kind of a part-time diabetic with each
cigarette you smoke and with the long term consequences this condition brings.
This is not all because over the long haul, as you keep smoking and absorbing
nicotine everyday, this can increase the level of the "bad" cholesterol (LDL)
in your blood which will in consequence cause great damage to your arteries.
And this will make it more likely that over time, and this is not a very long
time, you could have a heart attack or a stroke. The health problems
associated with using nicotine-containing products are far worse than any
benefits you may feel at the beginning. The average person will be in high
risk of; Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Stroke and Emphysema. It should be
mentioned that many of these illnesses are actually caused by other chemicals
in cigarette smoke or in smokeless tobacco products, different to Nicotine.
The biggest problem with nicotine is how easily it makes you become dependent
on smoking or chewing tobacco. Which also brings up the conclusion that
Nicotine-free cigarettes are not much healthier, maybe less addictive but
equally dangerous. The position of the medical and scientific communities
world wide is that nicotine is definitely addictive. Nicotine meets both the
psychological and physiological characteristics of what we call an addiction.
When trying to quit smoking you will surely have this symptoms, arising due to
the lack of nicotine in your blood stream. Irritability , Anxiety, Depression,
Craving for nicotine. And yes, no one denies it; quitting cigarette smoking
can be a real nightmare for many people. For many smokers, even a day without
Nicotine is excruciating. Statistics indicate that every year, millions of
people try to break the nicotine habit but only 10 percent of them succeed.
Will you succeed?